Solarwinds: Life Cycle Monitoring

Capacity Planning and Optimization

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” – Benjamin Franklin

Keeping today’s complex applications healthy and performant is no small task, especially when your customers find themselves spending more time putting out fires rather than preventing them. Ben Franklin knew what he was talking about when keeping yourself healthy. Companies and healthcare providers spend millions of dollars on preventive care because they see the cost of troubleshooting and fixing an individual’s health is exponentially more expensive.

IT environments have become more complex, driven by newer and emerging technologies. The business demands more applications more capabilities across data centers and multiple cloud providers in less time. Unless you have a proper plan to deal with change and dedicate time to regularly optimizing your environment, you won’t deliver on your commitment to your customers.

A recent blog article on life cycle monitoring explores the value capacity planning and optimization can bring to the table. The blog uses examples from the SolarWinds Orion Platform infrastructure products. Learn how your customer can maximize their investment in IT minimize firefighting and downtime by incorporating capacity planning and optimization disciplines into their monitoring life cycle.

Checkout SolarWinds Blog – Life Cycle Monitoring: Why An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of a Cure

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