What is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation is at the top of virtually every organization’s list of objectives and concerns in 2020.

But, what is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation generally isn’t a single technology, nor is it a single IT project; it’s about employing a broad set of technologies, often in a series of interrelated initiatives. It often starts with an evaluation of top organizational objectives and requires an internal analysis of resources, organizational maturity, and technological gaps. The intersection of these two data points (prioritized needs and organizational realities) often informs a roadmap and investment horizon.

What are the four main areas of Digital Transformation?

While Digital Transformation touches virtually every corner of an organization, and as a result is often the subject of varying priorities from numerous stakeholders, there are common threads on core objectives. Fundamentally, what organizations are trying to do is move faster, have greater agility, secure what matters most, and leverage insights to drive value. These four core pillars align directly to established – yet historically disconnected – software markets:

  1. Enterprise DevOps – Users are hungry for “new and improved” today, not tomorrow. Ensure timely software delivery by optimizing value streams from request to business value. Align stakeholder priorities, strengthen collaboration, automate everything, and scale DevOps with confidence.
  2. Hybrid IT Management – The IT landscape is a complex, dynamic hybrid of traditional and cloud-based technologies. Simplify hybrid complexity while transforming IT into a true service-driven organization to fully participate in digital business success.
  3. Predictive Analytics – Learn more about unmet customer needs, under-funded parts of the business, and emerging business models to drive the top line.
  4. Security, Risk & Governance – Safeguard the assets that matter most to the organization: identities, applications, and data. This is important all the time, but perhaps never more relevant than during a period of transition, when processes and technology are evolving.

Because these initiatives often overlap, organizations today are not just looking for software providers that can deliver these solutions in isolation, but instead can deliver a holistic and integrated set of offerings across these pillars to achieve optimal results over the long run.

Micro Focus delivers the speedagilitysecurity and insights necessary to succeed in an evolving marketplace. To learn more about Micro Focus, connect with our dedicated Micro Focus team at Climb and schedule a call today! Let’s Chat!

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